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God Speaks Through Spiritual Experiences
Friday June 21st
Text: Ezekiel 40:1-4
Key verse: Ezekiel 40: 2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as frame of a city by the south.
The word of God can also come through spiritual experiences such as taking one’s spirit elsewhere on earth, heaven or hell, to cause His mind to be known. The person is to declare the experience as the word of God: The Lord came to me, spoke to me, took my spirit to hell or heaven. The Lord showed me this or that and asked me to come back to the earth and tell people or the church. Why should you say, “No! Ours is the written word, we do not take it? You will lose many things and suffer because people perish for lack of knowledge. The church that refuses the full word of God will suffer backsliding because they will not get the things the Lord is doing to edify them. Are you wiser than God, the owner of the church? Did you die on the cross? The Master soul winner has devised ways to win people to Himself, to overcome the power of Satan in man and you say, “We do not want it, we do not need it, our pastor said…” You will perish! You will miss heaven because of pride.
You may miss heaven because God that knows the power of sin, the deceptive force in the world, the power and cunning wisdom of Satan is also devising ways to tackle him in your life so that you will always be strong but you are saying no. You do not need help from God? He knows when you need it and he knows when the universal church needs it. The Lord visited the church in the recent years through revelations of hell and heaven. This is the dispensation for it. He knows the state of the church; the apostasy Satan is dragging the church into and He knows how He will overcome them and bring back the church to Himself. He is devising various ways to make His word fresh by taking various forms to get the people to Himself. Those who reject God’s move are committing sin. Can a man know the ways of God unless He teaches you and opens your eyes? We must learn from one another.
Thought for the day: The church that refuses the full word of God suffers backsliding
Song for the day: The church is marching on …
Bible reading for the day: Psalms 89-94
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