God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.
Be Willing To Renounce Evil And Embrace Righteousness
Text: Philippians 3: 17 – 18
Sunday June 16th
Key verse: Philippians 4:23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen
Many work but they are enemies of the cross of Christ. They work contrary to the discipline of the cross. They do not preach the message of the cross but they are working. They do not have the exemplary life but they are working. They are enemies of the cross but why are they working since they do tot know the gospel truth neither are they even willing to know. But why then are they working. They are working for a god, not the God of heaven and that god is their own stomach. That is the god they are working for. They pay their children school fees by it.
Read the book, “Scriptural Exposition and Divine Revelation on Believers Holiness in Clothing and Adornment,” that presents this matter of adornment; clearing up jewelries, perming and other defilements and get them removed. Remove those trousers among women, painting the face with powder, perfuming your body with perfume and putting on unnatural odour. All those unnatural things are abuse to the living God that made you perfect and gave you the right smell for He also gave distinctive smells to all living creatures; plants and animals. You don’t perfume pineapple or mango before you eat them although they have distinctive smells.
Man being higher than animals, the Lord gave man the suitable odour or scent of body but you put artificiality into it. All these things are the abuse of God. Get these things cleaned out for righteousness and holiness of life. When he began to stand on this, a senior minister called him and said what am I hearing about your church. He said now I am preaching righteousness and holiness that the people might believe the word of righteousness. The people must stand on the doctrines of truth. I am preaching the word. He said how will you pay your children school fees? Then how will you eat and pay your children school fees because if you preach those things they will vanish from your church. Let the chaff go that the original will come.
Thought for the day: Do not work contrary to the discipline of the cross.
Song for the day: The old rugged cross
Bible reading for the day: Psalms 62-68
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