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Testimonies Of Evangelist Bala Baweh Zhema And His Wife (2)
Text: Acts 10: 34 – 38 Sunday June 30th
Key verse: Acts 10:40 “Him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly.”
On 30/09/2021, the Lord gave this message to my wife during prayers: “Baweh and your wife. I have not called you to Holiness Revival Movement for nothing. I have called you for a purpose. My purpose is yet to be known to you. You have not known it yet. You are just following blindly. I asked you to follow My son, Paul Rika so that he will direct you and when your eyes are opened, you shall plant My holiness in villages. I am the God of holiness. Be in one accord. Work in unity and you will see the profit of My calling. There are flocks of sheep you will lead and direct them to heaven. I the Lord will explain to you the meaning of My calling you. When you are set, I will explain to you. I am the Lord your God.” Based on this word of God, we swung into action by organizing three outreaches; two in villages and one in Jalingo. By the grace of God, functional units have been established in these places.
Before the December conference of 2021, I called to book for a room at Elohim suites by faith. I promised to send the money on 14/11/23 but I did not tell my wife that I was planning to use my October pension for it. During prayers on 03/11/23, the Lord said, “Baweh, I have seen you. You have planned and purposed to go for the conference. I have made you a lamp to shine. I have placed you on a hill; people will come to see the light. Concerning your journey to Abuja, I the Lord have seen your heart. I know your plans. You have planned to use your pension for the accommodation. I the Lord whom you serve, am your accommodation. If I want you to go, I will provide for and settle your accommodation. Do not touch your pension. I am the God that performs miracles. Watch out for My miracles. I will perform it.” God spoke to 3 people and they settled our needs. Finally, I had planned to travel by air for the 2022 Ministers’ conference and to lodge in the hotel but the Lord told me to go by road and sleep in the hall along with other people I am to sponsor with that money. I did so and was richly blessed as the Lord healed me at the conference.
Thought for the day: Work in unity and you will see the profit of My calling.
Song for the day: Some years ago, God brought me to HOREMOW …
Bible reading for the day: Proverbs 1-3
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