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Jesus Is The Source Of Peace
Friday June 28th
Text: John 14: 25 - 31
Key verse: John 14: 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Jesus is the source of peace. You are peaceful and calm because of Jesus. The reason why your enemies love you is Jesus. People like you because of Jesus. Therefore, remember Him. That calm state is because of Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace. It is because He rules your life that is why you are peaceful. It is because He keeps your life, that is why you are peaceful and joyful. Remember Jesus! He gives peace, prosperity and abundant life. Jesus is the reason why things are well. Jesus is that friend of yours that was working in a lucrative place with fat salary. And then He looked at you, He loved you, and now said, come and take over this my job. ‘I see life is very bad with you. Take over this job. He gave you a job with privileges, salaries and entitlements, including accommodation; everything handed over to you.
Suddenly you became great because you are in a changed position. The reason you are peaceful is because Jesus had to suffer. You have sufficient food, money, riches and wealth is because Jesus had to sacrifice for you. Remember Jesus and put Him in active remembrance. When you enjoy your wealth, remember Jesus sacrificed for you. He took you to that place or made you to know that person for things to improve in your life. Abundance is from Jesus. The beauty and soundness of life is because you are connected to Jesus and are tapping resources from Him. Your exceedingly success is because of Jesus. It is well with your family because of Jesus. Jesus is the source of peace and prosperity of the saints. See Jesus in the peace and prosperity of other saints. When you see saints happy, say it is because of Jesus. Don’t envy them. When you see a saint ride a car, living in a beautiful house or gets promoted, Jesus did it for them. God has made laughter for us; therefore, we shall laugh. See Jesus in other people, in your brothers and sisters, and then you will rejoice with them in their prosperity, when life goes well with them.
Thought for the day: Serve Jesus in your peace and prosperity
Song for the day: Peace, purity, power, All mine in the Lord …
Bible reading for the day: Psalms 134-140
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