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Godly Character and Lifestyle Supersedes The Names You Bear
Text: Daniel 1: 6 – 7
Tuesday June 11th
Key verse: Genesis 17: 5 “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made you.”
These were names affiliated to their idols, the various gods of Babylon. But forget about matters of names. Why do people struggle after name? Some say, “I want to change my name because, they say if my name is attached to idols, it cannot be written in the book of life.” Forget those stories. You were born to that name; the name of your father or the name of your great grandfather. It has no meaning. Eventually, your righteous life is what matters before God. Who are these people preaching that the name of a man shall follow him? Was it so in Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Did the name follow them? Why bother yourself. If the Lord convinces you to change a name, fine. Sometimes, it is not necessary. If names were to be changed because of idols, when the Lord said, your name shall no more be called Abram but Abraham. Was Abram an idol name? No! According to the vision of God, He gave him Abraham.
Genesis 32: 28 “And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel; for as a prince has thou power with God and with men, and has prevailed.”
Your name shall no more be called Jacob but Israel. Was it because Jacob was a supplanter? Your name is changed to a prince that has power with God and men. The nation is not called Jacob today, but Israel. The name Jacob remains anyway but as a powerful nation, it shall be Israel so let there be peace in your life.
In Daniel we see greatness and holiness, humility, meekness, obedience, suffering and exemplary godly life. The world plays pride with greatness. When they are promoted to a high position, they become proud. When they have the privilege to be educated, they carry the air of greatness and high mindedness. That is the world but true believers in Christ manifest humility, meekness and gentleness.
Thought for the day: Godly character and lifestyle supersedes the names you bear
Song for the day: He wrote my name with a golden pen …
Bible reading for the day: Psalms 34-37
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