Gods blessings shall follow you continually, for taking the time to study. Ye Are My Friends If Ye Do Whatsoever I Command You Text: Jeremiah 2: I – 9 Thursday February 1st Key verse: John 15: 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Jesus said I call you not servants but I call you friends. A servant does not know all the master doeth but a man is ready to open the whole of his heart to a friend. It means some are in the level of servants; you may not be trusted with weighty things. You may not be trusted with the words of the Lord in confidentiality. I call you not friends but I call you servants because a servant knoweth not all his master doeth. But he came to some people and said, “I call you friends.” I have proved you. Can you see the levels of relationship! All the while, they were not friends but servants. It took time to become friends after He had checked on them; He tested them, weighed them and saw their stability. He no...
Daily devotional on horemow