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(Int'l Director)



TEXT: Hebrews 12:27-29

Key verse: Isaiah 33:14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprisedthe hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

As God prepared heaven for his obedient children so also has he prepared hell and the lake of fire for rebellious children, sinners and evil doers and the judgement of God over them is eternal. Let's see how the scripture describes the judgement of God. Isaiah 33:14 "The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?"

Here, sinners and hypocrites who enjoyed sinning gathered themselves together to consider the judgement of God that is awaiting them. They knew how tough they were in sin; they knew the hypocrisy they were playing in the church. These are sinners who lived before you.
They gathered themselves together and considered the judgement of God and they
were afraid. Fearfulness seized them and their body was shaking and quaking, and their teeth were grinding each other.

What did they say about the judgment of God?
They said, “who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?”

It's not a fire you enter into and die. No! It's going to be your dwelling place. You shall live there and the fire will be devouring you and you cannot get out. You don't go in and later come out; you remain there. It is where you lie down; it is where you sit; it is where you move about. It is more than the fire that you see burning down a house. It is burning you down and you remain there, and dwell there!

Their bodies were shaking when they imagined the judgment of God. They were saying, “Who among us can withstand it?”

With all your tough lives, with all your boasting as chief of sinners, with all your stubborn heart, can you withstand the anger of God? God has made a devouring fire for people like you so that you may fear Him forever. The everlasting
burning is not for ten years or one hundred years. It is not for one trillion years or one
billion-trillion years.


It is always there, ever there and the fire is always angry at you and fighting you. The fire is consuming your eyes, consuming your ears, burning them down and a new body is formed and the process continues.

Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burning? These are tough sinners, not even sinners like you. These are sinners that sit with Satan and administer wickedness in the world. They sat down and considered the judgment of God. They were shaking. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Thought for the day: Fear God in righteousness that you may not fear him in judgment.

Song for the day: Create in me a clean heart o Lord, and renew a right spirit within me

Bible reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 7-9; John 13:1-17.


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