For taking your time to study remain blessed.
JUNE Tuesday 26th
Text: 1 Timothy 2:3-5
Key Verse: John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
God desires that all men be saved and come to Him in heaven. He made a provision in His Son, yet not all can be saved. In truth, only few of the dead are going to heaven. In the days of Noah, only eight were saved. Then, they used to live very long up to about a thousand years. So, whatever the population of the world was then, it must have been running into billions, yet all perished in hell except eight. So, speaking figuratively, the gospel being preached is to save just eight people! Don’t think this message of holiness is for everyone. The gospel of truth is for some, the rest are going to hell and they are in multitudes for only a few shall be saved. If you are not ready, there’s no problem - your name is already in hell. But know that your stubbornness cannot stand hell. Your witchcraft cannot stand hell. You cannot stand the torment of hell.
You’re a stubborn wife but can’t stand hell. Wicked husband, you cannot stand hell. Stubborn child, you cannot stand the fiery fire of hell. You are a notorious thief, but you cannot endure the heat of hell fire. Do you think things will continue peacefully like that forever? No! Learn from the world of Noah and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah who reveled in homosexuality. Even now, men are marrying men and governments of the world are approving it. For all the immoralities and evil being practiced in the world, God’s judgment is coming soon. Are you part of it? Then, you are part of the filth of life. Judgment is coming and you are still part of the filth of life? By the time God finishes with you and extracts all the value of your being, the chaff shall be damned into hell and it will become a thing to be pitied forever. Are you one of the notorious self-seeking leaders who think that Jesus died on the cross to promote them? They seek position thinking it’s carnal work we do in the Christian assembly. They are green woods that are not yet dry but they want to be used as fuel to cook food. When they get into the fire, smoke fills everywhere. They are quenching revival everywhere because they force themselves into it. Judgment is coming upon them. The Lord shall damn them to hell. The Lord shall destroy them with unquenchable fire. Stubborn people, they think that Jesus died for them and the church is their own. God gave you the opportunity to be a leader and you are not seeing leadership as a calling of grace, you think you have a right. What right do you have? Repent now and save your soul.
Thought for the day: Who can withstand God in judgment? Run to Jesus now for safety.
Song for the day: When the Roll is call up yonder 4x I will be there.
Bible reading for the day: Job 7-9; Acts 7:44-60
JUNE Tuesday 26th
Text: 1 Timothy 2:3-5
Key Verse: John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
God desires that all men be saved and come to Him in heaven. He made a provision in His Son, yet not all can be saved. In truth, only few of the dead are going to heaven. In the days of Noah, only eight were saved. Then, they used to live very long up to about a thousand years. So, whatever the population of the world was then, it must have been running into billions, yet all perished in hell except eight. So, speaking figuratively, the gospel being preached is to save just eight people! Don’t think this message of holiness is for everyone. The gospel of truth is for some, the rest are going to hell and they are in multitudes for only a few shall be saved. If you are not ready, there’s no problem - your name is already in hell. But know that your stubbornness cannot stand hell. Your witchcraft cannot stand hell. You cannot stand the torment of hell.
You’re a stubborn wife but can’t stand hell. Wicked husband, you cannot stand hell. Stubborn child, you cannot stand the fiery fire of hell. You are a notorious thief, but you cannot endure the heat of hell fire. Do you think things will continue peacefully like that forever? No! Learn from the world of Noah and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah who reveled in homosexuality. Even now, men are marrying men and governments of the world are approving it. For all the immoralities and evil being practiced in the world, God’s judgment is coming soon. Are you part of it? Then, you are part of the filth of life. Judgment is coming and you are still part of the filth of life? By the time God finishes with you and extracts all the value of your being, the chaff shall be damned into hell and it will become a thing to be pitied forever. Are you one of the notorious self-seeking leaders who think that Jesus died on the cross to promote them? They seek position thinking it’s carnal work we do in the Christian assembly. They are green woods that are not yet dry but they want to be used as fuel to cook food. When they get into the fire, smoke fills everywhere. They are quenching revival everywhere because they force themselves into it. Judgment is coming upon them. The Lord shall damn them to hell. The Lord shall destroy them with unquenchable fire. Stubborn people, they think that Jesus died for them and the church is their own. God gave you the opportunity to be a leader and you are not seeing leadership as a calling of grace, you think you have a right. What right do you have? Repent now and save your soul.
Thought for the day: Who can withstand God in judgment? Run to Jesus now for safety.
Song for the day: When the Roll is call up yonder 4x I will be there.
Bible reading for the day: Job 7-9; Acts 7:44-60
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