For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Psalm 126: 5-6
KEY VERSE: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet
of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good
tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God
reigneth! Isaiah 52:7
And when a sinner or a backslider is brought to
the salvation of Christ, what a joy to the passionate soul winner! That someone
has been redeemed; angels clap their hands in Heaven. Angels rise up, praise
the Lord and make a joyful noise: “Yes! A soul has been gotten for Jesus! A soul has
been redeemed for eternal Hell! A soul bathed in the blood of Christ!”- That’s the joy of the saints, the joy
of the passionate soul winner!
“Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of
God over one sinner that repenteth.”
Luke 15:10.
A particular man (an old man) of whom I had been
wondering: “Does this man understand this
Gospel we preach? Is he catching up with what we are saying when he comes to
church?” The man came to me for counselling and testified concerning a
message I preached that week. He said when the message was going on he broke
into tears and cried like he had never cried before. Tears came into my eyes.
He said “if it is riches, I’ve seen riches
in my life; am I looking for riches in this old age? All I need now is the
salvation of the Lord. I want to make Heaven.”I asked him: “What do you think take people to Hell?”
“Sin and wickedness in their lives leads
the people to Hell,” he replied. Then I asked him: “If someone does not want to
go to Hell, what will he do?” He said “The
person must repent of his sins and give his life to Jesus Christ.” What a
joy to me that was! I said, “Lord, is
that what You have done? Is that what You are doing?” That’s the joy of my
life and I know it’s not only that man, there are many others.
Transformation is going on in many others.
Salvation is going on. Deliverance is going on. Jesus Christ is getting
glorified. Is He glorified in your life?
There’s joy when one sheep is brought back to the kingdom. There’s joy
before the angels that are in heaven. If we desire to arise in evangelism, we
must recover our passion for perishing souls around us. Soul winning could be
costly and tedious. The persecutions are great, but the rewards are
greater. “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless
come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
Thought for the
Soul-winning is the only thing we do on earth and heaven celebrates.
Song for the day: God and tell them that Jesus died for the sinful
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