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For taking your time to study remain

TEXT: Joshua 7: 10-13
KEY VERSE: 1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

The Movement began with only one meeting in a month, which seemed later to be grossly insufficient to meet the needs of the people. This was later increased to twice a month and again to weekly Fellowship Meeting. It is natural to every serious Christian organisation to hold prayer meetings, night vigils, evangelism outreaches and periodic workers’ meetings to strengthen the spiritual life of the members. These were also observed from time to time. We are all aware of the starvation of the word of God in truth and holy living in our society. Many testify that it was as they came to HOREMOW they understood the truth. We have received favour of God. The consistent testimonies from believers, from the internet, from people that listen to HOREMOW messages, from readers of HOREMOW books and materials, including your own testimony, shows clearly that this Movement is from the Lord. We are being led by God on what to do for His honour. Fear not, we are not seeking our own glory or seeking to cheat on others.

The Movement appreciates various people that came in and worked to bring the Movement to the point it is now worldwide. However, we have come to understand now that some of these people are not faithful. They appear to take advantage of the Movement by turning the              members to their own Churches. Some open their own personal ministries for the converts of the Movement. Some restrict HOREMOW members in their Churches from attending HOREMOW fellowship activities. Some focus on financial gain, not on the souls of the people.

This attitude destroys the non-denominational stance of the      Movement and discourages people and Churches from running to it. The Lord Jesus is unhappy with this because His vision for end time harvest of souls in raising up this Movement is being destroyed. This actually is carnality in man. Following this, the leadership of the Movement took a decision that those who are denominational minded and occupying high leadership positions should face their own denominational concerns, so that a non-denominational man could take over. Not that they are removed from membership or leadership completely, they are only removed from key leadership positions to prevent undue influence and advantage over others. This does not apply to all but only to those observed to have this problem.

In HOREMOW, there is no respect of persons, preferential treatment or prejudice. A high standard of discipline is maintained to keep its growing membership on the track of holiness which is pleasing to God. Every case that warranted discipline or removal was prayerfully and scripturally handled. All persons affected were given ample opportunity for fair hearing and clearing of themselves. Every one disciplined or removed came grossly below the standard of holiness and righteousness, which all those involved personally admitted to.

Thought for the day:  The Lord rebukes those He loves
Song for the day:  Keep me holy … keep me holy O Lord … any time you may come…
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 79-81; Romans 8:1-18


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