For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Text: Psalm 20:6-8
Key verse: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
The scriptures give so many reasons why we should have complete trust in God. An examination of the life of Bible saints and the saints of contemporary time reveals to us why we should completely trust in the Lord. God is commanding you to trust in Him because there is no other way out, if actually you desire a life of satisfaction, joy and fulfillment on earth. The Lord is giving you this instruction because of what He is capable of doing in your life. To behave or act contrary to this command amounts to unbelief and unbelief is sin. Are there some stubborn problems in your life? These are opportunities for your total trust in the living God. If God has commanded you to trust Him for all your needs in life, you have to do so, for His commandments are not grievous.
Our own understanding cannot successfully direct our ways. With serious commitment, learn never to lean on your own understanding. Living independent of God is heading for a crash in life. You are forever limited in understanding of matters of this life. Your understanding cannot successfully lead you. Don’t depend on your power and ability. Whatever you are capable of doing through your personal power and wisdom cannot take you far. Your power cannot sustain you in this evil and diabolical world. That is why you need to give up on your boasting on what you can do. Let your boasting be on the basis of what you can do through Christ who strengthens you.
2Corinthians 10:17 But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. Don’t lean on your wisdom. Your wisdom is like vapour that can evaporate. Don’t lean on your intellectual capacity. Your intellect is a dry container containing nothing. Have you never heard of very intelligent students who had prepared vigorously for examination only to amazingly discover that after reading the first question on the paper, their brain went blank? Lean on God. Trust Him for your academic prowess and excellence. Trust Him for everything in this life and you will make great success.
Thought for the day: There is no alternative to trusting in God
Song for the day: He is able, abundantly able
Bible reading for the day:
2 Samuel 21-22; Luke 22:1-30
Text: Psalm 20:6-8
Key verse: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
The scriptures give so many reasons why we should have complete trust in God. An examination of the life of Bible saints and the saints of contemporary time reveals to us why we should completely trust in the Lord. God is commanding you to trust in Him because there is no other way out, if actually you desire a life of satisfaction, joy and fulfillment on earth. The Lord is giving you this instruction because of what He is capable of doing in your life. To behave or act contrary to this command amounts to unbelief and unbelief is sin. Are there some stubborn problems in your life? These are opportunities for your total trust in the living God. If God has commanded you to trust Him for all your needs in life, you have to do so, for His commandments are not grievous.
Our own understanding cannot successfully direct our ways. With serious commitment, learn never to lean on your own understanding. Living independent of God is heading for a crash in life. You are forever limited in understanding of matters of this life. Your understanding cannot successfully lead you. Don’t depend on your power and ability. Whatever you are capable of doing through your personal power and wisdom cannot take you far. Your power cannot sustain you in this evil and diabolical world. That is why you need to give up on your boasting on what you can do. Let your boasting be on the basis of what you can do through Christ who strengthens you.
2Corinthians 10:17 But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. Don’t lean on your wisdom. Your wisdom is like vapour that can evaporate. Don’t lean on your intellectual capacity. Your intellect is a dry container containing nothing. Have you never heard of very intelligent students who had prepared vigorously for examination only to amazingly discover that after reading the first question on the paper, their brain went blank? Lean on God. Trust Him for your academic prowess and excellence. Trust Him for everything in this life and you will make great success.
Thought for the day: There is no alternative to trusting in God
Song for the day: He is able, abundantly able
Bible reading for the day:
2 Samuel 21-22; Luke 22:1-30
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