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For taking your time to study remain blessed.

TEXT: JOHN 4:10-24
Key verse: “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy” 1 Peter 1:16

The Lord is raising a group of people in the world for holiness, to revive holiness in the churches and has chosen Pastor Paul Rika to lead it. In today’s text, Jesus in a discussion with the woman of Samaria made her to know that the Samaritans worship what they know not. She lived with men that were not her husband. Today many go to church, do many things in the church like this woman, and they don’t know what they are worshipping. They worship God without salvation. Jesus wants people to worship with the knowledge of this God. Many within the church are yet to understand this God let alone those in other religions who also think they are worshipping God. Some dance and perform many services without knowing whom they are serving. You have zeal but without knowledge of God’s kingdom and salvation. Jesus told His disciples that the field was ripe for harvest (John 4: 55). How many are born again under the scriptures in these churches. They are like the Ethiopian Eunuch reading without understanding. These people and churches need knowledge.  The Samaritans already knew about God and claimed they were also children of Abraham. This is to say that many are already in the church as choir, pastors, and leaders but if they are left like that they will perish in ignorance. No eternal life.
The Lord wants us holiness preachers to go and work on them, they already have preliminary knowledge but not for eternal life. It is in the light of this that He is raising up people from the denominational churches and takes some to heaven and hell to accomplish this purpose” While men slept the enemy came and sowed tares – The devil has sown tares in the churches – the pastors, leaders are tares.  Armed robbers are the one leading the church now. Where are they leading them to? This people teach their own righteousness and put that of Christ aside. Truthfulness of life is put aside, they now have comedians in the churches making mockery of Christ, dance anyhow and you laugh. Darkness has taken over. The five foolish virgins are the ones in the churches. The wise virgins are not there The Lord is now raising people, touching people and transforming them. Many that were in these corrupt societies, churches have been touched for Christ work.

Thought for the day: Join the end time revivalists in saving perishing souls
Song for the day: Holiness is the beauty of believer.
Bible reading for the day:
Genesis 38-40; Matthew 12:22-50


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