For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: PSALMS 118:8-11
Key verse: “Trust in
the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”
Proverbs 3: 5
God says that you should trust Him completely. You should yield to
complete trust. Totally, totally, rely on the living God. That’s what the Lord
wants you to know. He knows of your situation. He knows of the hard times. He
knows of those impossibility writings and yet says, Go and tell him to do
nothing but trust. Just look to Me. In some place, He said, Let their widows
trust in the Lord. So the Lord is saying, You trust in Me. So I am talking
about complete trust. That’s the message to you. The Bible says trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Trust in the Lord
with all your heart. Make a complete trust in the living God. Don’t trust God
halfway, 50%. Not 60% and 40% for your personal effort. No. Don’t trust Him 70%
and the 30% is your personal effort. No. Trust God. Not 99% and then 1% for
yourself. No, totally. 100%. Completely surrender to the Lord. The instruction
and command of God for all men in the scriptures demands that we trust Him
completely. Brother, in case you do not know, God expects that we should trust
Him completely. Sister, in case you do not know, God expects that we should
trust Him completely.
The counsel of scripture, advice of scripture to you
in the situations of your life, in the problems of your life, the difficulties
you are passing through, what is the scripture telling you? Is the scripture
saying there is a way? Yes the scripture says there is a way. Then how do you
follow the way, how do you get it? The scripture says trust God completely. Enter
into God and trust Him. That’s the scripture. And the counsel of successful
righteous men and women in Bible days and in all times is that we should trust
God completely. Every successful man that has passed through this life will
counsel you to trust in the Lord completely. If you can hear the voice of the
departed saints echoing from heaven, they are telling you to trust God
completely. People that have passed through that situation, they have walked in
that dark way you are walking. They have come to a fix as you are in a fix, and
yet they successfully make it through life. Their counsel to you is, brother,
sister, we have passed through it, we were once in that situation but God saw us through, and we came to know by our experience that the secret
of life, the secret of victory is complete trust in the living God, total and
complete trust in God. Therefore, trust God in your life, everything about your
life, put it in the hands of God.
for the day: The scripture says trust God completely
Song for the day:
Following Jesus every day by day
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