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For taking your time to study remain blessed.

TEXT: ISAIAH 1:18-20.
Key Verse: “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” Revelation 2:11.
What account shall you give of yourself to God concerning your riches and wealth which you deny God of in this world? He gave them to you for His glory but you deny Him of His power to save men. By withholding your wealth for use in gospel work, you have kept His presence away from many communities, villages, towns, cities and nations. You have not supported His plan of restoring biblical truth, righteousness and holiness to His church in our generation. You are unwilling for the return of Jesus Christ to the earth for His saints. You have denied the saints the privilege of leaving this sinful and perishing world soonest! It means you are colluding with Satan to fight against God and His plan of redemption for mankind. Hell fire is inevitable and inescapable for you unless you repent of this grievous sin! Jesus took seven Colombian youths to hell to see the tortures of hell fire and to know why some people ended their lives there. Below is a brief account of the encounter. Among the many things they saw were Christians, who did not give tithes and offering to God when they were still on earth, passing through great torments in hell fire.
“We continued walking, seeing thousands and thousands of people. There were young people, adults and elderly people suffering torments. We arrived in a place that looked like a big swimming pool of fire, with thousands of men and women inside of it. Each of them had a metal plate on their chest that read: 'I am here for not giving tithes and offerings.' When I read that, I asked the Lord, 'Lord, how can this be possible, that people are here for this reason?' The Lord responded, 'Yes, because these people thought that tithes and offerings were not important, when My Word shows it as a command: In Malachi 3:8-10 it says, Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me… “Ye are cursed with a curse… even this whole nation….” “The Lord told me that when His people withhold their tithes, they hinder the work of the Lord, and the Gospel is not preached. People in this place suffered a thousand times worse than others, because they knew the Word of the Lord, but disobeyed it”.
Thought for the day: Be warned! Multiplied punishment awaits tithe defaulters in hell.
Song for the day: Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 49-50; Matthew 15:1-20


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