For taking your time to study remain blessed
TEXT: NUMBERS 12: 4-8.
Key Verse: "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" Isaiah 8:20.
God has given divine revelations to many in our days and He is still in the business of doing that. The choice of these messengers is His sovereign will. Some of these revelations are written in books for all to read and some are shared verbally. There are scriptural facts to be understood on these revelation messages. They follow the pattern of scriptural revelations in the Holy Bible. Some are given in plain, simple and direct language, while some are given in pictorial language and figures of speech. The recipient of the revelation message may be an ignorant person whose understanding is unfruitful, hence, he or she may not be capable of interpreting the revelation received. To receive a divine revelation is one thing and to interpret it is another (Genesis 41:15,16:). Except God gives the grace of interpretation to the recipient, the service of another person gifted and called by God will be required to interpret the message.
Some of those who receive divine revelations are children, illiterates, unbelievers, and new converts. If they are to be depended upon to interpret and apply the revelations they have received, the word of God will be distorted and the church of Christ will be led into error. A sound knowledge of the Bible is required for correct interpretation of a revelation message. Divine revelation or prophesying must not be despised by believers. Apart from normal preaching and teaching from the scriptures, the Lord also uses this means to edify, exhort and comfort His children, and by this means also, He warns both saints and sinners of the danger of sin and the eternal judgment of hell fire. Divine revelations are not superior to the written word of God. The scripture is the instrument of ascertaining whether a revelation is from the Holy Spirit or not.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Any revelation that is according to the word and spirit of the scripture, exalts Jesus, promotes righteousness and holiness and does not violate any scriptural landmarks, should be received for edification, exhortation and comfort.
Thought for the day: Do not exalt revelation above the word of God.
Song for the day: God is God, God is no man (3x) … He will do it again.
Bible reading for the day:
Exodus 16-18; Matthew 19:16-30
TEXT: NUMBERS 12: 4-8.
Key Verse: "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" Isaiah 8:20.
God has given divine revelations to many in our days and He is still in the business of doing that. The choice of these messengers is His sovereign will. Some of these revelations are written in books for all to read and some are shared verbally. There are scriptural facts to be understood on these revelation messages. They follow the pattern of scriptural revelations in the Holy Bible. Some are given in plain, simple and direct language, while some are given in pictorial language and figures of speech. The recipient of the revelation message may be an ignorant person whose understanding is unfruitful, hence, he or she may not be capable of interpreting the revelation received. To receive a divine revelation is one thing and to interpret it is another (Genesis 41:15,16:). Except God gives the grace of interpretation to the recipient, the service of another person gifted and called by God will be required to interpret the message.
Some of those who receive divine revelations are children, illiterates, unbelievers, and new converts. If they are to be depended upon to interpret and apply the revelations they have received, the word of God will be distorted and the church of Christ will be led into error. A sound knowledge of the Bible is required for correct interpretation of a revelation message. Divine revelation or prophesying must not be despised by believers. Apart from normal preaching and teaching from the scriptures, the Lord also uses this means to edify, exhort and comfort His children, and by this means also, He warns both saints and sinners of the danger of sin and the eternal judgment of hell fire. Divine revelations are not superior to the written word of God. The scripture is the instrument of ascertaining whether a revelation is from the Holy Spirit or not.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Any revelation that is according to the word and spirit of the scripture, exalts Jesus, promotes righteousness and holiness and does not violate any scriptural landmarks, should be received for edification, exhortation and comfort.
Thought for the day: Do not exalt revelation above the word of God.
Song for the day: God is God, God is no man (3x) … He will do it again.
Bible reading for the day:
Exodus 16-18; Matthew 19:16-30
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