For taking your time to study remain blessed.
(Part 1)
Key verse: “And round
about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I
saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had
on their heads crowns of gold” Revelation 4:4
Delightful Revelation of Heaven and How to get there by Pastor Paul Rika:
There is but one living and true God
The attributes of God are the qualities, elements and perfections which
belong to Him. They belong to Him and are parts of His divine nature-not that
His whole being consists of a combination of the same, but because they are the
forms and expressions of His being which He has revealed to man.
These attributes are natural and moral. The natural attributes reveal His
existence as an infinite and rational spirit, that is, self-existence, freedom,
omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, wisdom. The moral attributes are
holiness, righteousness, justice, goodness, love, grace, mercy and truth.
As known to men on earth God is an invisible spirit, whom no man hath
seen nor can see. He is eternal and self-existent. He creates beings with
immortality, but God alone possesses eternity. He is infinite, filling all
space in the entire universe, embracing all worlds. He is omnipresent, i.e.,
infinite in power shown by all creations from the infinitely great to the
infinitely small. All His acts are done by the exercise of His volition, and
are seen by men in the universality, variety and multitude of His works. God’s
omnipotence is limited only by His moral perfections. God cannot lie nor do any
bad act, although He has the power.
God is omnipresent. The creator, upholder and governor of all things. He
is also omniscient, all things being open and naked before His eyes. God’s
wisdom is infinite, embracing all knowledge and is independent of all His
creatures. We can tell Him nothing which He does not know, but His intelligent,
infinite intuition comprehends all things past, present or future. This
intelligence is perfect and absolute. Man analyzes things to find out their
nature. God knows the nature without the analysis.
The foreknowledge of God is also absolute. How the foreknowledge of God
is to be reconciled with man’s free agency and moral accountability is indeed
to men in the world a dark problem, but in the Scriptures both are clearly
taught, and faith accepts what reason cannot reconcile. Some of the churches on
earth have denied man’s moral freedom. Others maintain that God in the exercise
of His omniscience, like His omnipotence, abstains from knowing what His
creatures will do under certain given circumstances.
for the day: God’s intelligence is
perfect and absolute
for the day: Thou art worthy (3x) Oh Lord
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