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Remember Jesus In Your Troubles
Monday May 27th
Text: Psalm 107: 26 - 33
Key verse: Mark 4:39 “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”
From our reading text, trouble made them to reel; as if pushed forward and backward. Some believers in their troubles seek solution elsewhere. They try to use their wisdom, connection and energy to solve the problem. When the disciples were in jeopardy, they were using their expertise as fishermen since they have been fishing from youth. At first, they did not bother to meet Jesus who was lying down in the ship. That is the case of many that use up their strength and means. They do everything they knew how and go to the people they think they should go to before they remember Jesus. How could we forget that Jesus is the great Savior? They cried unto the Lord in their troubles and He bringeth them out of their distress. It means salvation and victory was waiting for when they shall turn to the Lord; when they shall remember to call on the Lord. When they faced the Lord, He delivered them.
What human power and wisdom could not do, came to pass as they remembered Jesus. There is an answer waiting for you at the point of remembering Jesus. If you remember Jesus, the Savior of your life, to turn and cry unto Him, at that instant, salvation shall come. Remember you serve an active Savior; a very present Lord and concerned Lord. You serve the Lord of lords. Remember Jesus in the troubles of life. Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me. When you are in trouble, adversity, jobless, confused because of troubles you face, remember Jesus. Maybe you failed a test discouragingly because you could not measure up to standard, remember Jesus. Remember Jesus in the trouble of others. When a vehicle somersaults into the bush and loved ones are inside the vehicle, remember Jesus. He that brought Paul and all that were in the ship alive and none died, can do the same. Although the ship was broken into pieces. Remember Jesus in the trouble of other people. Remember, Jesus can help, deliver and set them free.
Thought for the day: Troubles should make you to remember Jesus.
Song for the day: When I remember what the Lord has done, I will never go back …
Bible reading for the day: Job 1-4
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