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Remember Jesus In The Sickness And Affliction Of Others
Text: John 5: 5 – 9 Saturday May 18th
Key verse: John 5:8 “Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up your bed and walk.”
Remember Jesus in the sickness and affliction of others. Woman, is your husband sick? You are so concerned running up and down, so disturbed of how he can recover? ‘Husband, go to hospital. Do this or do that. Do I give you food?’ Wives remember Jesus. He can deliver your husband. Remember to take him to Jesus. Look to Jesus for your husband. Husband, what about your wife rolling in pain? You sit in sorrow and cry, ‘I have no money.’ Do you know what to do? Remember Jesus! He is the Healer. Remember Jesus over the problem of your children, as the children look to the parents and the parents are helpless due to lack of money. The parents have no power. They have tried all they could but all their means of help failed. Father, mother, remember Jesus. Are you not a Christian? Is Jesus your Lord not ever with you? Remember Him. Is He not the Almighty Savior for your child? Take that child to Jesus. Yes, a man took his child to Jesus over a demonic case and the case was over. So do yours too. Remember Jesus over your neighbor when there is cry around. You are there and you too are running up and down. Maybe your mind is somewhere else. Bring your mind back to remember Jesus.
In the early period of my Christian life, a particular woman was bedridden in a terrible sickness. They were waiting for her to die because there was no remedy yet she had a brother that believed who was one of my friends. A few of us moved to that house and entered her room. It smelled because of the state of that lady but we remembered Jesus. The compassion and love of Jesus helped us endure the smell. As I laid hand upon that woman, I saw that the power of God took over my life. It was as if I went somewhere to lose her from the pang of death, and it was done. Then the Lord said, tell her to stand up. A woman that has been lying down for months. I said, “Woman, in the name of Jesus, rise up.” I saw her rising up. She stood up and as I was leading her to walk round that room, I remembered Jesus.
Thought for the day: Jesus is still our present solution
Song for the day: Jehovah is Your name
Bible reading for the day: Ezra 1-4
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