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Instead Of Praying, Many Murmur And Get Offended (2)
Monday May 6th
Text: 1 Corinthians 10: 12 - 15
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 10:14 “Wherefore my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.”
Continuation of revelation to Sister Linda: This leader thought Pastor Rika was speaking against him but he forgot that God knows all categories of sins in all humans. When a preacher mentions a sin pertaining to you, you might think you are the only one who has committed that sin but there are others also. The Lord is saying that the words coming out of Pastor Rika's mouth are His Words. He put them in his mouth. When Pastor Rika speaks, the words touch all areas affecting humans. They are inspired words of Jesus. If you harden your heart due to unbelief or anger, you are sinning. The Lord expects genuine repentance. The Lord said, “Iron sharpeneth iron. Iron cannot be sharpened by itself alone or by wood.” He noticed that I was a little confused because I did not understand His words. Then He smiled at me and said, “It is a hard saying for you, My daughter. When believers come together, they sharpen themselves by bringing ideas, teaching and correcting one another.
That is why you should not forsake the assembling of brethren because in the church there are different gifts given to everybody in the church. Some receive correction by the pastor, leader, or a friend. This means that iron sharpeneth iron. Iron cannot be sharpened by itself. You cannot see iron stand alone and sharpen itself. Again, Iron cannot be sharpened by wood. Do not give yourself to evil people that are not born again, or people that their holiness is not complete because they are not sanctified. You cannot grow and be perfected since these people are wood and wood cannot sharpen Iron.” When you forsake the believers where they tell you the truth due to offences, you cannot be sharpened because you are limited from knowing things that you need to know. If you believe you have known enough to establish a church, you cannot be sharpened. Beware of people you mix with and the counsel from some people in HOREMOW; some are carnal, not sanctified or not born again.
Thought for the day: Carnal counsel and words cannot perfect or sharpen you.
Song for the day: He has done so much for me, He has taken away my sorrow …
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 24-26
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