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God’s Ministers Are Ordained Provided His Calling Is Upon Them

God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.

God’s Ministers Are Ordained Provided His Calling Is Upon Them

Text: John 15: 12 – 17       

Friday May 3rd
Key verse: John 10:27 “My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me.”
Scriptural ordination is just a pronouncement, the communication of the Holy Spirit, of the word of God and impartation. It does not require any special thing. It is not wrong if a church wants to pray for the ministers to ordain them and even organize a feast for the event but do not disdain those who do not do so. When you were born again did you organize a feast? No. But if someone decides to organize a feast for his or her salvation experience, it is okay. Peradventure that celebration may bring more people to salvation experience, then go ahead. Do all things to the glory of God but do not condemn those that choose not to observe such a feast.
God’s ministers are ordained, whether prayed for or not prayed for. As long as the gift, grace and calling of God is upon your life, you are ordained by God and the ordination is complete. Unfortunately, some ministers that are already doing well in the ministry find themselves under intense pressure to be ordained or to go to Bible school to be recognized as an accomplished minister in their denominational church. It is an irony that some who attend bible colleges come out worse off than when they gained admission; they forfeit knowledge of the precious truth due to activities of corrupt teachers who add demons to their lives. Such ministers graduate from Bible school and get ordained but the spirit of scriptural ordination of Christ is not in them.
Let all true ministers know that they have been ordained by Christ. Emphasis should not be centered on ordination by mortal men because they may end up ordaining sinners. Many people that are ordained by men do not even know Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour but because they can pay for it, they become bishops and reverends in the church. No man taketh this honor unto himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron.

Thought for the day: All true ministers have been ordained by Christ.

Song for the day: He has done so much for me, He has taken away my sorrows …

Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 13-16 


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