God's blessing shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 2: 12-17
Key verse: 1 Samuel 2: 12. “Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the Lord”
Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas were unholy ministers that misused the power of their position for personal gain and sexual immorality. Their father, Eli the high priest, failed to discipline or remove them from the priesthood. Eli confronted his sons about their evil actions but failed to remove them from the ministry. By failing to take action, Eli was defying God’s holy nature and His high standard for the priesthood. God’s word declares that no immoral minister may serve as a right or acceptable leader of God’s people. He must be removed from leadership.
Eli’s sons had hardened their hearts against God and were sinning openly and without shame. That is why Eli’s instruction had no moral effect on them. They were beyond the point of turning back to God and steadfastly set in their own will, headed on the path to judgment. Their untimely death was a result of willful disobedience and failure to repent. That is, to change their attitude towards God, admit their sin, turn from their own way, and begin following God and His purposes. Eli failed to provide enough spiritual leadership for his family – a choice that affected his leadership over Israel.
(1) As a father he did not teach his sons to do what was right when they seduced the women serving at the Tent of Meeting. Eli’s actions showed neither the will nor the spiritual authority necessary to remove them from the ministry. (2) Eli’s failure as a father and a minister resulted in (a) God’s judgment on Eli, his sons, and his family (b) a decline in the office of the priesthood (c) the general spiritual decline of God’s people (d) the Glory of the Lord departed from Israel (3) The entire Bible teaches the necessity of true godliness and genuine reverence, or holy respect for God as the standard for those who lead God’s people.
Thought for the day: Depart from evil to escape the judgment of God
Song for the day: I will never, never, go back to the world (3x) …
Bible reading for the day: Job 29-30; Acts 12
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