God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 11:32 “But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world”
The scripture says that when there was no king in Israel, everyone did what he wanted. In every organized system, there are rules guiding the activities therein. Those who flaws the set standards are disciplined. We learned from the government of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon that he had a very high standard. He ensured those who served under him were trained to attain his set standard before they were brought to serve in his palace. He set the criteria for selection into his training school; children without blemish, well favoured, skilled in all wisdom, cunning in knowledge, understanding science, able to stand in the king’s palace and whom they might teach the learning and the tongues of the Chaldeans”.
If a mortal man could set such a high standard, the God of heaven requires higher standards. In the government of king Nebuchadnezzar, there was a high level of discipline, failure could attract the death penalty. In HOREMOW, the standard is very high because we are preparing people for heaven to meet with the Holy God. God will not accept unholy people who steal His funds, immoral people who defiled themselves with women/men, or involved in witchcraft and tell lies without fear.
Discipline is judgment of mercy, to enable you to meet up with the standard of heaven while you are still alive. When a state coordinator was disciplined in HOREMOW headquarters, Abuja, the Lord revealed the scenario to an old woman in that state who was not in the meeting. She saw that two angels came down and stood with Pastor Rika and pronounced judgment on the coordinator. Be serious with your Christian life; if your error is uncovered and you are disciplined in love, embrace it gladly. It is meant to correct you and save you from being judged by the world at the end of time so that you will be accepted by the Lord into His kingdom; a more beautiful place than the palace of the supreme king of the world.
Thought for the day: Discipline is the judgment of mercy; never get angry at it.
Song for the day: I have decided to follow Jesus (3x), no turning back (2x)
Bible reading: for the day: Psalm 62-64; Romans 1
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