God's blessings shall follow for taking the time to study.
TEXT: LUKE 14:25-27
Key verse: 1 Peter 3:14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled.
God calls Jesus, whom people despised, My righteous servant. This same Jesus that people spoke against, criticized, and cast stones upon. There was no iniquity or wickedness in Him, but why are they speaking against Him? Why were they talking evil and planning to do him evil constantly? This is the Founder of Christianity. The cross takes a central place in Christianity. You need to know this in case you are looking for ease. Your thought might be, why shouldn’t people praise me with all my goodness? I thought people should be clapping that I am not doing wickedness anymore and that I am now godly. What is happening to my spouse?
That is the mystery of Christianity! You are not part of the evil in society or the lies in your workplace; you are not part of their corruption and embezzlement. You go to work early and you are diligent at your desk. You begin to wonder why they are aiming at you. Why is it that when they are thinking of who to retrench it is your name that comes first? Know that this is the life of a Christian in a society that hates light, truth, and anything righteous. If you don’t know it, you may easily get offended when you begin to face these challenges. Jesus said except a man drinks My blood and eats My flesh he has no portion in Me. This is His type of life you must share to have real eternal life in you. You are passing through some pains now, you are passing through some rejection now, you are passing through some persecution now, you should know that is the mark of Christianity which indicates that you are on the right way because your Master too went through that way. Jesus recommends the cross to everyone that wants to follow and serve Him. If your mind is to be on top, the greatest and honored in the society, you are not part of Jesus. If that is where your mind is then you have lost the vision of Christianity.
Thought for the day: Suffering is part of Christianity.
Song for the day: The old rugged cross
Bible reading for the day: -Job 38-39; Acts 15:1-21
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