Gods blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: JOHN 2: 5-11
Key verse: John 2: 5 “His mother saith to the servants, Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.”
Put your faith in God not in aprons and handkerchiefs. There are unique miracles of God that He does not continue with and you don’t ask Him to repeat them because He chooses to do them by Himself. He chooses to release those miracles and they may happen once in a generation. He revealed His will in them. He caused the red sea to dry up. Will you keep asking the red sea to dry up? No. God has not promised to dry rivers for you, such that when you want to cross the river you ask God to dry it for you. It is unique; it was done by Moses, then Joshua, by Elijah and by Elisha. That ended the issue of the sea drying up. So, don’t seek to repeat it; instead of looking for a way to cross the river, you then say that God should dry it up.
You will pray there until you perish because He has not given you that promise. When Satan told Jesus, “Jump down from this mountain if you are the son of God, for God has said He will give His angels charge over you, that they will bare you with their hands that you do not dash your foot against the stone.” Jesus said, “It is written, thou shall not tempt the Lord your God. The Lord told Moses to smite the rock for water to come out. Later God said, “Smite the rock and water shall come out.” Does the rock produce water for the church now? Have congregations spoken to the rock for water to come out and satisfy their needs at any other time? No.
These are things that happen in God’s sovereignty; they are not the natural paths He has provided for normal livelihood. There are promises for your normal life and godliness that God has provided but not for these other rare manifestations of power that happen at His discretion. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still and it happened once but by the impartation of the faith of the Holy Ghost in him. Again, Uzziah requested that the sun move back ten degrees when the Lord asked, “Do I turn the sun backward or forward?” God gave that option. Nobody should say “God I am going on a journey but it is getting late. Oh God, please stay the sun for me.
Thought for the day: Faith is the assurance of things hoped for
Song for the day: Trust and obey
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 31-33; Acts 21:15-40
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