Gods blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: ACTS 16: 16-18
Key verse: 1 John 4: 2 “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ comes in the flesh is of God.”
Comment: Sir, I watched a revelation message saying strange things; that women can cut their hair, that soldiers will miss heaven, and that Pastor Kumuyi’s wife missed heaven. I need clarification because God is not an author of confusion.
Clarification: Some people think that all who have revelations are members of HOREMOW. Most of them are on their own and are not willing to be mentored while some are false. The contrary revelation concerns one Kingsley who was not willing to submit to HOREMOW. When we examined his writings, revelations, and his personal Christian life, we saw that they have nothing to do with Jesus. He affected many women, especially in eastern Nigeria who began to cut their hair, looking like men which is not scriptural. The Lord will not give a revelation that contradicts His word. He said those in the military and paramilitary will go to hell.
Those in authority are ministers of God. If you behave well, their guns will protect you. They fight crime so that we can live well in society but if you do that which is evil, be afraid; they will use their swords on you as ministers of God to judge the wicked ones in the land. Soldiers came to John the Baptist during his baptism and asked what they should do. John said, be content with your wages and do violence to no man. If anyone brings any different doctrine, receive him not into your house. Now for others, we are not accountable for revelations outside our mentorship, we are not responsible. In as much as they do not continue with us to allow us to judge their revelations. We are only responsible for the ones we knew of.
There are true revelations that show that Mummy Biodun, the late wife of Pastor Kumuyi is in heaven which we have verified scripturally to be right. God brought forth such revelation to encourage you that you too can go to heaven. Satan saw that true revelations encouraged people, so he sponsored false ones for discouragement.
Thought for the day: Beloved, believe not all spirits but test to see if they are of God
Song for the day: In Jesus' name every knee shall bow…
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 22-24; Acts 20:1-16
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