God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 2: 3-7
Key verse: 2 Timothy 2: 6 The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.
You need good health and prosperity. You should be healthy in the body. If you are not healthy, how will you carry out the work of God? Again, he said, I pray to God, your spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord. See how he wished you continue in well-being to the end, until the Lord comes for you, either at death or in the rapture. He wishes that you carry your ministry to the end. You need preservation and this preservation is for your body, spirit and soul. God desires that those who minister to others in the gospel should also minister to themselves, so that they may be first partakers in the benefits of the gospel. The ministers should take care of themselves because God wants full and lasting service. This will happen when we take care of ourselves spiritually and physically.
The Lord is concerned about your spirit, soul, and body. Make sure that you take care of your physical body well. Make sure that you take care of your spiritual life well. Why is this counsel necessary? It is because many Christian workers and ministers do not take care of their well-being. They neglect themselves. They are busy working for others and neglect their own lives. Busy man! Busy woman! See this woman in Song of Solomon, she was not black before. She was light in complexion, but now she says, I have become black and shame has come upon me. That is why she said, do not look upon me. She is hiding herself now. What brought this blackness to her? She said she had been busy under the sun, working, doing this work and doing that work. I have been busy in the kitchen. I have been busy in the house. I have been busy in the market. I have been busy working up and down. What kept you busy? Human beings- My mother's children, kept me busy. I was busy serving them. I was busy serving others. I am busy serving others but my own vineyard I have not kept. See me now; I am black. The sun has looked down upon me. Why? Going up and down, caring for people's vineyards, but not my own!
Thought for the day: That soul that you are not feeding is your own vineyard.
Song for the day: My soul doth magnify the Lord
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 44-46; Acts 25
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