God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study
TEXT: EZEKIEL 36:25-27
Key verse: Ephesians 5: 27 That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”
God demands holiness from His people because holiness is His nature. Everything associated with Him is holy. His name is holy; His word is holy; His angels are holy; His abode, heaven, is holy; His saints are holy. When Satan and his angels came short of His holiness standard, He drove them away from heaven and condemned them to everlasting fire. Heaven is eternally holy. Jesus came to this world to save men from sin and make them holy so they can be with Him in His eternal dwelling place.
The instruments God uses to make men holy are the blood of Jesus, the word of God, the Holy Spirit, the name of Jesus, and of course His holy ministers, who teach and lead men to holiness. The holy life does not commit sin, loves God wholeheartedly, loves men sincerely, and keeps all God's commandments. Holiness begins at the salvation of the soul, deepens at the sanctification of the heart, and is established by personal discipline and diligence in keeping God's word. Hence the holy life requires the unified actions of both God and the believer.
The believer submits himself to God to make him holy and diligently exercises himself to obey and practice the word of God. To obey God regularly requires faith in God and regular prayer for His grace. Several scriptures in both the old and new testaments show the promises of God to make you holy and the means He has provided to make you holy. God who makes you holy can preserve you in His holiness to the end of your life. Pray earnestly through faith in Christ and receive a clean, pure, and holy heart and life from God. Persist in prayer until you have the witness, assurance, and evidence.
Thought for the day: Pray on until you have the witness, assurance, and evidence.
Song for the day: O yes, He answers prayers
Bible reading for the day: Job 35-37; Acts 14
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