Gods blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
Key verse: Revelation 14: 12 Here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”
Question: Is it only 144,000 people that will go to heaven or will any other person that will go to heaven pass through the tribulation?
Answer: The 144,000 refers to the Jews during the tribulation, it is not talking in general terms because people will still be saved during the great tribulation although it shall be very hard. The Bible tells us of the ministry of two witnesses that shall be preaching this gospel; people shall respond to them, but it shall be harder than the simple gospel we have now. Also, angels flying through the sky shall be preaching the everlasting gospel because it shall be so risky for men to preach. Where do you find a preacher when the antichrist is busy ransacking everywhere? People will still have a chance to be saved. So, the 144,000 is restricted only to the Jewish nation. Multitudes all over the world shall still be saved at the time of the great tribulation but it will be a very hard and difficult time.
In God’s redemptive program, the Jews had the opportunity yet Gentiles too could have the privilege to come to the God of the Jews and become Jewish converts. Now salvation is by faith and it favors the Gentiles. During the last seven years of this dispensation, God’s program shall return to the Jews to fulfill the last one week with the Jews. At this time there shall be limited chances for the Gentiles because the Lord shall be dealing with the Jews as at the initial time. The antichrist shall fight against the Jews and they shall remember that their Messiah had come and they did not acknowledge Him. They will now call on God to send their Messiah again but the antichrist would have killed two thirds of the Jews in the war against them. The one thirds that shall remain when Jesus Christ comes shall be saved. The Jehovah witnesses who teach that only 144,000 shall go to heaven do not know the Bible; they twist the Bible to their own harm and damnation.
Thought for the day: The pure in heart shall see God
Song for the day: When the saints go marching in…
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 13-16; Acts 18
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