TEXT: TEXT: 1 Peter 4: 17
Key verse: 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
If this is the God you are serving, the Bible says, Serve Him with fear”. If this is the God that you are superintendent over His church, you are overseeing His church, you are a leader in His church, a woman leader in His church, you are singing in the choir of His church, you are connecting the electrical things and going about in His church, you are doing one thing or the other, be afraid! He that spared not the fallen angels will not spare you. How many sins did the angels commit? Fear God for His judgment. David turned it into a song: “Mercy and Judgment.” He would sing it and become acquainted with the ways of God. He is the God of judgment! Many who are serving now in the house of God that have already been condemned; and what is waiting for them now is the fearful judgment of the of hell. God has not yet revealed it, He has not yet pointed them out that they failed, that they did not do it according to standard, that they did not follow the pattern; that they despised Him, that they rejected Him and God also rejected them. He is a God of Judgment. But they are ignorant of this. When Saul was rejected as king, was he not still on the throne? Be careful, lest thou also fall into the judgment of God.
The man of God must see mercy and judgment in the service of God. Some qualify by mercy to be in God's service but some by God's judgment and severity have been rejected and excluded although King Saul still served but was rejected. They shall know that God has left them for long. You have the privilege to serve God now, but you can lose it. Is it that God really lacked people to serve Him, and that is why you behave like this? Or is that the reason why you are careless, saying Iss he not happy that I am even trying, is there any other person in this place?” Do you understand what you are saying? Who made that place and who made you? You mean God has no power to do you anything that is why you abuse Him? You do not know Him!
Thought for the day: No one can escape the judgment of God.
Song of the day: Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch …
Bible reading for the day: 2 Samuel 23-24; Luke 22:31-53
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