God bless you for taking the time to study.
Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4
Key Verse: 1 Thess. 5:21 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”
God uses the following ways to communicate His will to His children:
God leads through inspired counseling: The Lord provided a husband for Ruth through Naomi who gave Ruth Spirit-directed counsel that worked and provided a godly husband for her. God can put the burden on your marriage as a widow on a true and faithful servant of God. His agonizing prayers and counsel to you may work out a marriage partner in the will of God for you. However, you need to take such counsel to God in prayer for His confirmation.
God leads through prophecy: The Lord used Prophet Elijah to give the word of prophecy to the widow of Zarephath on what she should do and it produced a great result. You may never think of marrying again but God is thinking differently and will fulfill His will in your life at the right time.
Through quickened scripture: God may quicken a verse, a promise, or scriptural narration during Bible reading or in a sermon. This will appear to be talking to you directly with confirmation of the Holy Spirit in your heart. It may be through someone’s testimony and the Holy Spirit may direct it to you.
God may impart the Spirit of love and faith: From our text, the Lord put strong love in the hearts of Jonathan and David for each other free from fleshy interference. The Lord can put it in a man for a sister, and vice versa and people around can see that these two love each other. This same spirit of love may also work out faith and assurance in their hearts to be married without fear.
The gentle voice of the Spirit: In 1 Kings 19:11-13 The gentle calm voice of God spoke to Elijah who then was expecting the word of God. Many times, God speaks in a still small voice to the inner hearing of the believers.
Any other method that is pure, clean, and peaceable. The Lord can use any other method that is pure, clean, and peaceful to guide His children.
Thought for the day: Ask God to confirm His leading and guidance to you.
Song for the day: Jesus show me the way, show me the way…
Bible reading for the day: 1 Samuel 30-31; Luke 17:20-37
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