God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: ACTS 1:9-11
KEY VERSE: “Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12.
Jesus promised to return for His people to take them home in rapture. The signs of His return are revealed to us through various happenings and revelations. Heaven is fully prepared for this great spiritual event. When we say, Jesus is coming back to the world, the question arises, “Where is He now?” He is in heaven, the abode of the true God, the place of everlasting life. When we say, Jesus is coming to the earth again, the question also arises: “Has He been on the earth before?” Yes, He came physically in the earthly human body. “Who is He?” He is the Lord. What did He come to do in His first coming? He came as A Saviour to save us from our sins. A Lamb of God to sacrifice Himself for our salvation. A Mediator to reconcile us to God. Our Righteousness puts us in right standing with God. Our Deliverer to destroy the works of Satan in our lives and set us free. Our Fullness gives us abundant life. Our Restoration is to restore us to the image of God.
After Jesus Christ accomplished His mission, he went back to heaven and gave us the great commission. Jesus is almost here to rapture His saints, judge the sinful world, cast Satan and his demons to everlasting fire, establish an everlasting kingdom where righteousness reigns and give eternal rewards and comfort to His people. We are preparing for His coming as people preparing for a wedding. The preparation is both congregational and personal. Preparing for His coming requires a ready spirit because the nearer His coming the fiercer the battle. Satan is waging war against the church. It is essential to constantly study the word of God to know the truth and be free from sin and Satan and maintain regular prayers for God’s sufficient grace. Finally, a lifestyle of evangelism asoul-winninging is required to bring sinners to Christ.
Thought for the day: Are you prepared to meet your groom?
Song for the day: He’s coming back again … He went away and promised
Bible reading for the day: 2 Samuel 13-14; Luke 20:1-26
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