God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 3:8-14
Key verse: 2 Timothy 3: 13,14 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
The world is a battlefield. There is a great battle between God and Satan for human souls. You must choose the side to be; whether on God's side or that of Satan. Your side in this war determines where you will spend eternity. Jesus Christ is the owner of the Holiness revival movement worldwide. Having found yourself in this movement, hold the truth being preached here, live by it and defend it. Through various revelations and encounters, the Lord has made it clear that He owns this movement. You know this very well. Those calling you outside HOREMOW, do they know more than God who says He owns the movement?
Why should you abandon the ark God put you into, to answer those calling you outside? What is the hope of the people Satan succeeded in pushing out of HOREMOW? Will God deny what He says about His movement because they left for their doom? Be careful about their strategy to get you out of HOREMOW. Avoid their evil invitation to you. They make phone calls to you as if they care for you but they desire to plant their seed in you to change your convictions about HOREMOW. Text messages could be sent to you for the same purpose. Other avenues are through Facebook or WhatsApp.They aim to drag you to join them. They could make personal or group visits to you as if they cared for your welfare. They may invite you to their programs, for you to hear and compare their messages with those of HOREMOW. Do they have new another God to tell you of? Is God who says HOREMOW is His own a lair? To leave the ark God testified of as His own, where are you heading to? Is it heaven? No. You are looking for everlasting death in hellfire. Be warned and avoid enemies of God.
Thought for the day: Remain in the ark and avoid those calling you outside.
Song for the day: Follow (2x), I will follow Jesus…
Bible reading for the day: 1 Samuel 13-14; Luke 14:1-24
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