For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Numbers 16:1-4
KEY VERSE: 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
In all matters that come to your knowledge, verify what you are told before you act one way or the other. May be it is your child that is misbehaving in school or in the neighbourhood, don’t say, “No, my child cannot do that.” Confirm it first. Also learn to take matters to the Lord in prayer to know the truth. Do this so that you don’t defend iniquity and become guilty. I want you to see something in today’s devotional reading. Korah, Moses and Aaron were all Levites. Moses, Aaron and Miriam were of the same father and mother.
Moses was the general superintendent of the people. Aaron was the high priest of the people. Mariam was a prophetess. Korah, a Levite was wondering, “Why should one man produce the people that are leading the Israelite? Why are Moses and Aaron magnifying themselves over us? No, I too want to be a priest. Why should Moses say that the high priest can only pass through the lineage of Aaron? No, I will break that order. I Korah too will become a high priest.” He and his followers in rebellion didn’t see God in all these.
Now coming to HOREMOW, do you think all the leaders following us here know about God? Some don’t even know the spirituality that this Movement is built upon. All these testimonies, prophecies and revelations they don’t understand. That is why many of them left. With the same type of mind, see what Korah did to Dathan, Abiram and On. These three people were three mighty men who were children of Reuben, the first tribe. Normally, Reuben being the first tribe should be the one leading the congregation. What happened that they were so silent that Moses and Aaron, children of one man, took over leadership?
He went to them and convinced them, “You are sitting here when you are supposed to be the one leading us.” These people are not godly. They are not on their way to heaven. Their names are not in the book of life. They are not seeking the glory of God, but their own glory. Korah is the ring leader of the four rebels. He got three people to contest for leadership with Moses and was hiding behind them. They went to lobby other great men in the camp until they got 250 nobles, princes, mighty men, great men, men of renown in the congregation.
Thought for the day: If you defend the guilty, you will not be guiltless.
Song for the day: His word is yea and amen…..
Bible reading for the day: Song of Solomon 1-3; 2 Corinthians 12
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