For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Hebrews 12:1-2
KEY VERSE: Isaiah 45:22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
What exactly are you looking for? Are you not looking for Jesus? The devil has sprinkled the desire for revelation in the hearts of the people at this end time that this is all they crave for. You are looking for prophecies all the time, but I am counseling you to look for the word. Look for the word of truth, which is what is important for the salvation of your soul. What is important is the holiness of your life, not prophecy. Prophecy only confirms what is already written in scriptures, so face the scripture.
We cannot undermine prophecy because the Lord speaks by prophecy and says we should not despise prophesying, yet He says, “Let the prophets speak by two at most by three, and let another man judge.” In this regard, there are questions to ask. Is the prophecy really from God? Is it God or Satan that manipulated it? A woman came to the camp about six years ago and said Jesus had come into her. She was shaking, “the Lord has given me a message.” I was preaching and she kept sending people to come and tell me to stop preaching because ‘Jesus’ wants to talk to His people. Some human beings are terrible.
Do you have prophecy that is superior to scripture and doctrine? Which one is this ‘Jesus’ of prophecy that is shaking your body, “Please go and tell him quickly; if he does not stop that preaching we shall meet in the other end of eternity?” Of course you will never see me there because the end of Satan is hell. My Jesus who said we should forbear threatening will be sending threats to me? We should understand scriptures. Judge things with righteous judgment and do not give yourself to these false people. Judge it by the scripture properly. Take counsel from mature people in the faith.
This is the rebuke of the Lord to the church at this end time. The Lord wants them to repent and turn to righteousness so that they would not miss the rapture. The Lord is waiting for their genuine salvation. The Lord’s voice is to you as a person, as a member of that church. Don’t think that He must convert everybody in that church. It may not happen like that. A congregation was gathered at the pool of Bethsaida when Jesus came there and He healed just one person and went His way. This message might be for you, so don’t harden your heart.
Thought for the day: Let the word of God guide your life.
Song for the day: I live for Jesus, day after day, I live for Jesus let come what may……
Bible reading for the day: Ecclesiastes 10-12; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
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