For taking your time to study remain blessed.
KEY VERSE: Numbers.16: 3 And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?
We want to consider a case study that will prove to you how much damage ‘SELF’ can cause in a church or amongst believers. We will be considering the case of Dothan, Korah, and Abiram. Korah, like all other Levites, was called by God to the office of ministering and presenting offerings in the tabernacle. Aaron, on the other hand, was singled out to be the high priest and in addition to that, God ordained that the priesthood should be in his lineage that is through his sons. When Korah noticed this position given to Aaron by God, he reasoned within himself that this was a more honorable position than his, this was because Aaron in his position as high priest, served in the presence of the congregation, as a result of this; he was filled with envy. Within his heart, he reasoned, ‘who is this man that is taking all things unto himself, who does he think he is? This kind of reasoning is one of the fruits of this ‘self’ we have been discussing. If Korah had crucified his self and all selfish notions in him, he would not have entertained such evil thinking in his heart against Aaron.
If Korah had been dead to self, he would have no problem with God’s appointment of Aaron as the high priest, but because he did not deal with his carnal nature, he allowed himself to be used of the enemy to stir up great trouble in the camp of God’s people. Korah was known and respected in the congregation, among the people of Israel and was also accepted by the people. This general acceptance from the Israelites made Korah believe he was a better fit for the position of the high priest that was bestowed on Aaron by God. As a result of this erroneous and untamed thinking in Korah, confusion started spreading through the camp. Korah went to other people and started politicizing them; he was able to get Dothan and Abiram as his committed disciples. He worked on the minds and hearts of many, convincing them that he was a better candidate for the position of the high priest than Aaron was.
Thought for the day: Beware of strife among brethren
Song for the day: Give me love for my brethren
Bible reading for the day:
Jeremiah 7-8; 1Timothy 2
KEY VERSE: Numbers.16: 3 And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?
We want to consider a case study that will prove to you how much damage ‘SELF’ can cause in a church or amongst believers. We will be considering the case of Dothan, Korah, and Abiram. Korah, like all other Levites, was called by God to the office of ministering and presenting offerings in the tabernacle. Aaron, on the other hand, was singled out to be the high priest and in addition to that, God ordained that the priesthood should be in his lineage that is through his sons. When Korah noticed this position given to Aaron by God, he reasoned within himself that this was a more honorable position than his, this was because Aaron in his position as high priest, served in the presence of the congregation, as a result of this; he was filled with envy. Within his heart, he reasoned, ‘who is this man that is taking all things unto himself, who does he think he is? This kind of reasoning is one of the fruits of this ‘self’ we have been discussing. If Korah had crucified his self and all selfish notions in him, he would not have entertained such evil thinking in his heart against Aaron.
If Korah had been dead to self, he would have no problem with God’s appointment of Aaron as the high priest, but because he did not deal with his carnal nature, he allowed himself to be used of the enemy to stir up great trouble in the camp of God’s people. Korah was known and respected in the congregation, among the people of Israel and was also accepted by the people. This general acceptance from the Israelites made Korah believe he was a better fit for the position of the high priest that was bestowed on Aaron by God. As a result of this erroneous and untamed thinking in Korah, confusion started spreading through the camp. Korah went to other people and started politicizing them; he was able to get Dothan and Abiram as his committed disciples. He worked on the minds and hearts of many, convincing them that he was a better candidate for the position of the high priest than Aaron was.
Thought for the day: Beware of strife among brethren
Song for the day: Give me love for my brethren
Bible reading for the day:
Jeremiah 7-8; 1Timothy 2
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