For taking your time to study remain blessed.
July Friday 19th
TEXT: Mark 11:25-26
KEY VERSE: Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
Unity of mind and purpose is essential in marriage. Division and strife hinder progress. A family is a relational unit, which must work together in harmony to achieve common goal and objective. It is like when a partnership business is set up or when a pilot and co-pilot need to fly an aircraft. There must be mutual cooperation and understanding, otherwise their effort will be fruitless. Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? In every relationship, there must be what is known as “meeting of the mind” or “agreement of the mind.” They must speak the same language and have the same goal and objective in mind; otherwise, they will be working at cross-purposes. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Animosity in the family creates a weak link. If you continue to fight each other, you will soon destroy each other. In family relationship, consideration must be given to the fact that there are weak ones that must be helped out and not rejected or condemned; all in the spirit of love and mutual respect.
Whoever is looking for a perfect marriage partner is not ready for marriage. Paragons are rare in marriage. Even in the most perfect marriages, there are still little differences that must be managed. Somebody says marriage is when a man loses his bachelor’s degree and a woman acquires her master’s degree. What this means is that the man learns not to decide and act alone anymore, while the woman learns total submission to her husband as head of the family. Cooperation, mutual love and respect are very important in building a happy home. Trust is also essential. But when a husband or wife begins to embark on secret projects, such as starting a business or building a house, it becomes a threat to the relationship because trust is lost when the other spouse eventually finds out. As much as possible, carry your spouse along in all major decisions to avoid unnecessary suspicions. Train your children with one voice and minimize open conflict as it brings dishonor to the family. Dwell together in love and you will see the mighty hand of God on your family. Amen.
Thought for the day: Be in one mind as the Father and Son are in one love.
Song for the day: Wonderful story of love
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 28-30; Acts 21:1-14
July Friday 19th
TEXT: Mark 11:25-26
KEY VERSE: Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
Unity of mind and purpose is essential in marriage. Division and strife hinder progress. A family is a relational unit, which must work together in harmony to achieve common goal and objective. It is like when a partnership business is set up or when a pilot and co-pilot need to fly an aircraft. There must be mutual cooperation and understanding, otherwise their effort will be fruitless. Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? In every relationship, there must be what is known as “meeting of the mind” or “agreement of the mind.” They must speak the same language and have the same goal and objective in mind; otherwise, they will be working at cross-purposes. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Animosity in the family creates a weak link. If you continue to fight each other, you will soon destroy each other. In family relationship, consideration must be given to the fact that there are weak ones that must be helped out and not rejected or condemned; all in the spirit of love and mutual respect.
Whoever is looking for a perfect marriage partner is not ready for marriage. Paragons are rare in marriage. Even in the most perfect marriages, there are still little differences that must be managed. Somebody says marriage is when a man loses his bachelor’s degree and a woman acquires her master’s degree. What this means is that the man learns not to decide and act alone anymore, while the woman learns total submission to her husband as head of the family. Cooperation, mutual love and respect are very important in building a happy home. Trust is also essential. But when a husband or wife begins to embark on secret projects, such as starting a business or building a house, it becomes a threat to the relationship because trust is lost when the other spouse eventually finds out. As much as possible, carry your spouse along in all major decisions to avoid unnecessary suspicions. Train your children with one voice and minimize open conflict as it brings dishonor to the family. Dwell together in love and you will see the mighty hand of God on your family. Amen.
Thought for the day: Be in one mind as the Father and Son are in one love.
Song for the day: Wonderful story of love
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 28-30; Acts 21:1-14
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