Every Word Of God For Daily Living
For taking your time to study remain blessed
July Tuesday 9th
TEXT: Ephesians 5:26-27
KEY VERSE: Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Seeing the traces of the features of the next dispensation in this present dispensation, you should know that you are in the twilight hour. What is a twilight hour? A twilight hour is that hour of the day that you begin to see the traces of the night while it is still daylight (probably 7:00pm to 7:30pm). It is not completely dark, yet it is not complete bright either. While it is still day, you are seeing the traces of the night. A twilight hour is the hour when you are still in this dispensation but you are already seeing traces of the next. The twilight hour is the time that our Lord Jesus Christ was born and even though He came with the New Testament grace, His mother still had to fulfill the Old Testament law of purification. Jesus was presented as the first born, fulfilling the law of the first born. He was born at the end of the law but He is the grace of God. The Bible says the law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus. When He came, the law ended but the people did not understand. May you understand when a dispensation is changing in Jesus name.
Jesus was on earth; grace was on earth, but the people were still operating the law because they did not understand the twilight hour of a new dispensation. A woman was caught in adultery. Her accusers were quoting Moses’ law because they taught they were still under the law. They wanted to mock the woman, but they only succeeded in mocking her into salvation. May your problems push you into salvation. By the time Jesus spoke her accusers were all gone. Jesus said, “Woman, where are those thy accusers, has no man condemned thee?” She replied, “No my Lord.” Jesus told her, “Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.” That was the twilight hour from law to grace. Today, if you have eyes to see, grace is already turning into vengeance because when you begin to see traces of the next dispensation in this dispensation then time is no more. Rapture is at hand! The last prophecy preceding the rapture is already taking place. Understand the times and purify yourself in readiness for rapture.
Thought for the day: Understand the times and be sanctified in readiness for rapture.
Song for the day: Are you washed, in the blood, in the soul cleansing blood……
Bible reading for the day:
Job 40-42; Acts 15:22-41.
# Horemow .
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