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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Revelation 19: 5-9
Key verse: “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” Revelation 19: 7
The wedding must be devoid of worldliness and must show forth the holiness and glory of God. Such times are joyful times for all the brethren that gather around the bride and bridegroom, because you are our holy brother and our holy sister and we have supervised your marriage to the last day of wedding. We prayed for you to have a wife or husband, we supervised your courtship and engagement, now we need to rejoice with you. The joy is not only for you. He that has the bride is the bridegroom, the friend of the bridegroom that standeth by rejoices at the voice of the bridegroom. If we must rejoice, everything in that wedding must be holy. The woman who is to marry must dress holy: no earring; no perming; no weavon; no make up; no attachments; no wedding rings; no hired wedding gown. The world cannot design the wedding garment that will meet the standard of God because the world does not know God. Go and obtain your own wedding gown. The activities there: singing; dancing; praise and worship; whatever must never resemble the world. We are far away there must be a difference between a Christian wedding and the wedding of a sinner. There must be a difference between the wedding of someone that has been enlightened by the doctrine of Holiness Movement and the wedding of these people in Churches that do not know Jesus. There must be a difference. The food to be eaten there must be decent. It is not a place of show for pride. Yes, my brother is working in an oil company, so he wants to buy suits for all the guests at the wedding! Some want to produce caps and calendars and diary with their pictures as souvenir to the wedding guests. Please we don’t want you to set a standard that is too high for other brethren that want to marry so that you will not cause people to offend. They will be afraid to marry because of your extravagant example. However there may be some good ideas such as sharing tracts, Christian literature and other gospel materials during the wedding reception to everyone there. That is the mark of a Christian. Plan to share CDs to all the guests. It is a great opportunity to reach your in laws, friends and well wishers with the doctrines of truth, righteousness and holiness. So whatever good ideas that may come to your mind, we will not be aware of them unless you express it to the marriage committee, they will judge it and approve as appropriate, because we also want you to be happy.
Thought for the day: The bride and Groom must dress in a holy and modest way.
Song for the day: Holiness is the beauty of the believer
Bible reading for the day:
Joshua 21-22; Luke 6:1-26


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