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For taking your time to study remain blessed.

TEXT: ROMANS 10: 8-13
Key Verse: How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher. Romans 10:14
Now you are set to begin the journey to heaven, you’ve given your life to Christ you are born again. Now the steps are: Be diligent in hearing God’s word. How can you believe, except you hear the word of God? How can you be holy except you hear the word of holiness? How will they attain to holiness without a preacher? How will they preach? Except they are sent, their preacher does not tell them about the word of holiness, the words of heaven, so they can’t go there. Their preacher is their condemnation. But you whose mind is steadfast on going to heaven, you must hear the word of heaven. You must hear from the sent preacher. He has the word. It’s your responsibility to diligently seek for the truth, if you don’t know the truth you’ll perish. For you to escape hell it is your responsibility to inquire about the truth. If you know the truth, the power to do it will come, you’ll ask God for grace and He will give you. You need to diligently meditate God’s word. You need to apply your heart to know it. You have millions of years to live after this life, don’t be careless about this book the bible, your life is in this book, truth is in this book; study it for yourself. In the sight of God the greatest reason you went to school is because of the bible. You want to live eternal life; do you read the book of eternal life? Verify the truth taught you from the scriptures; don’t allow any man to fool you. If they say truth is in a place go there yourself. People are telling you about a place go there and find out the truth for yourself. You can’t go to heaven without effort without thoroughness. They say truth is in a person hear him yourself. Seek a personal fellowship with God don’t allow your pastor to block you, know God for yourself. Make effort yourself to know the scripture, you will be more convinced. The queen of Sheba heard of the Wisdom of Solomon and went to verify. Wisdom is sweet to them that have understanding. She understood the value of wisdom. Go everywhere you can find this truth, take every step to find this truth, spend all to find this truth for it is your life, labour for this truth; labour for heaven.
Be diligent in obeying the truth, life and blessing is in obeying the truth, make up your mind to obey the truth, then grace will come. Be diligent in keeping your heart in holiness. Service your heart every time with the word of God. The heart is the strength of the soul, hold your heart tightly the devil will want to affect it and poison it. When the devil brings dirty thoughts into your heart say no to it, tell the devil I can’t do it. God is interested in that temptation for that is the way you can exercise your spiritual muscles. It is part of you training, after sometimes He will make you perfect. Keep that heart because it can forget, it can go into unbelief. Watch over that heart because it can depart from God, it can be bitter and defiled. It can fall from grace. Increase in the grace of God, increase in the virtues of God. Do all to be found in righteousness, spotless and blameless when He comes, add all determination. May the Lord grant you entrance into heaven.

Thought for the day: Be righteous, spotless and blameless till He comes
Song for the day: I must go with Jesus everywhere no matter the roughness of the road
Bible reading for the day: Judges 1-2; Luke 7:1-30


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