For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: EXODUS 14:10-16
KEY VERSE:“Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee:
we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it.” (Ezra 10:4).
and endurance are things encouraged in the Christian life. Hence a believer
facing some difficulties in life may encourage himself to be patient and endure
more. However, you need to examine the matter well. It may be possible you are
expected to do something about the problem. You may be waiting and enduring in
your problem due to your ignorance, fear, indetermination or laziness. Find out
within yourself; may be the Holy Spirit is stirring some spiritual provocations
within you against that problem. The Holy Spirit may be telling you: “What
is required is action to be taken.”
our memory verse (Ezra 10:4), Ezra was the appropriate person to initiate
action. Both God and men were waiting for him and would support him. All he
needed was fearlessness, courage and action. This may be your situation. Arise
for action and heaven shall support you and others will be blessed by you.
Jesus revealed that believers are imparted with power to triumph over Satan and
his evil kingdom. This power is in the strongest and weakest Christian. The Lord
has given you the power to tread upon Satan and his evil forces and overcome
them. Arise and face them and remove them out of your way. “And he said unto them, I beheld
Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall
by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:18-19.)
cursed a fig tree and it dried up from the roots. He exhorted His disciples to
have faith in God. Every believer should face his mountain with the command of
faith. His decrees shall be established by the living God. Decree against your
difficulties and God shall establish it. “Call upon me in the day of trouble.” There
is a day called the day of trouble … trouble in your heart, body, marriage,
family, work place, business, school, relationship, society. In the day of
trouble, you are not to be afraid, confused, in pains or threatened. All you
need do is to call upon God and he will give you a testimony.
our reading text, the enemies were pursuing after the children of Israel. The
Red Sea was before them. They were greatly afraid. But God said they should “Go
forward.” God told Moses to lift up the
rod and stretch it over the sea and divide it. The children of Israel crossed
the sea on dry ground. Their enemies perished by the waters of the sea. Do not
listen to the fears in your mind, to the noise of discouragement ... Go
forward. Lift up the rod of prayer and stretch the rod of faith over your
problems and they shall part from you through intervention of God, holding to
His word, employing the name of Jesus and confession of your salvation.
Thought for the Day:
With faith you can move mountains.
Song for the
We are soldiers …. By the name of Jesus, we shall conquer
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