For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: ACTS 13:6-12
KEY VERSE: “Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord.” (Acts 13:12).
The Ethiopian eunuch was a zealous worshipper of God who did not know the Savior Jesus Christ. He read the scripture without understanding. The Spirit of God directed Philip to him. His heart was opened to the truth. Philip ministered to him and he became gloriously saved and was baptized. There are so many unsaved worshippers in various churches who desire to know the truth required for their salvation. We must seek them out and preach the true way of salvation in Christ to them.
Our reading text gives account of the conversion of a proconsul. Every man has a soul that will give account of himself to God. Every man that has not been saved by Christ is ruled by sin, an evil master. Satan is not a friend to any man. Great men are great victims of sin and Satan. A few of them desire to be saved. Seek them out and save them. Satanic agents feed upon them through their deceit and magic.
The Philippian Jailor saw the circumstances surrounding the imprisonment of Paul and Silas, the mighty power of God, his narrow escape from death, and became convicted of his sins. His heart desired the salvation of the Lord. Paul and Silas led him and his family to Christ. There are those who have been humbled by circumstances of life and the judgment of God. These people desire to settle with God. Help them out with the gospel message.
Bro. Luke, no doubt was the one who evangelized most excellent Theophilus. Luke was a good writer. He used letter writing for the evangelism and follow-up of his converts. Today, apart from letter writing, we have many gospel materials and avenues to win converts and follow them up in cassettes, CDs, DVDs, Christian books and literature etc. We can employ various modern technological platforms such as the social media – Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram etc - to win souls and conserve them in Christ.
Let's arise and present the true gospel to the perishing people of this world. We can win some to Christ. Kick-start your evangelism programme today and start winning souls for Christ.
Thought for the Day: Are you not sent? Go ahead and evangelize the high and low.
Song for the Day: We are able to go up and take the country
Bible reading for the Day: Psalm 47-49; Acts 26
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