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For taking your time to study remain blessed. WORLDLY ADORNMENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY APRIL 24 TEXT: MATHEW 6:19-24 Key verse: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” 1 John 2:15 Those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, as their personal Lord and Savior have become children of God. They are no more of the world and so must not love the world, neither the things of the world. They must not talk, walk, dress like the sinners in the world, because these things are not of God but of the world. The world will soon pass away with all its pleasures, adornments and entertainments. Therefore the Lord commanded us not to lay our treasures on earth but in heaven, for where our treasures are there will our hearts be also. We are not to amass wealth for the satisfaction of the flesh. What does the Bible say about worldly adornments and entertainment? Whenever God wants to have intimate dealings with His people, He orders them to put away the strange gods from among them, which include their ungodly clothing and ornamental adornments (Genesis 35:1-5, Exodus 33:1-6). God cannot deal kindly and mercifully with us while we remain stiff-necked, and still dress like the harlots of the world. We must steer clear of worldly dressing, make-up and corrupt styles. We must not use jewelry which includes earrings, make-up, nose rings, necklace, chains, bracelets, all rings and beads. The believers in Christ must not perm or jerry-curl the hair. They must not use attachment, weave on, cortex, lipstick. We must not put on body revealing dresses. The Christian girls and women must not put on trousers, mini-skirts, short gowns and any kind of indecent dresses. The men too must not cut their hair in worldly styles nor dress ungodly. They must not sag their trousers. Believers must also abstain from worldly music, movies and dancing, and must not bring that into the church for the worship of God. Those who live in the pleasures of the world are presently dead in the sight of God, and are going to be judged by God on the judgment day. Thought for the day: You cannot serve God and worldly pleasures at the same time. Song for the day: Who is like unto Thee, O Lord (2x), Among the gods, who is like Thee…. Bible reading for the day: 2 Samuel 10-12; Luke 19:29-48 #horemow


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