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Consequence of Not having Vision
Thursday April 25th
Text: Luke 15: 17 - 20
Key verse: Proverbs 29: 18 Where there is vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Where there is no vision, nothing to be done, the people perish. Have you committed sin and will you not rise? It is because you have not seen the possibility of rising; of what you can do that will bring about your restoration. Then you will perish. The ultimate consequence of not having vision is that it leads to hell fire. Then hell fire will be real in your life. Have you fallen and will you not arise? It is because you are not seeing the vision of arising from your fall. If you failed an examination in secondary school, can there be no way for you to do something in life? Can you not rewrite it? Why do you surrender? It is because you lack vision. If you can see that vision, then there is a way. Energy will come. The prodigal son, saw a vision; if I go back to my father, I will find favor. That is how the idea to return came to him.
Then the next thing is action. I will arise and go to my father: the Vision! And he arose and went to his father: Action! What will I do? My master taketh away from me the stewardship. I cannot dig, I am ashamed. Oh, I know what I will do. I will go to my father’s debtors and reduce their debts so that when I am put away, they will receive me because I showed them kindness. That was a vision, though an evil vision and he started doing it. Action! Nehemiah, what would you do now? The vision: I am going to rebuild my father’s sepulcher. I am going to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem so that we are no longer a reproach.
That is the vision that came to him. He saw that vision. How much money did he have at this time to go and build a great city in Jerusalem? How much money? Please it is not about money, it is the vision. Vision will be financed. The vision will have the power to open the door. Vision will attract the God of resources. Vision will attract human beings to contribute to get that thing done.
Thought for the day: The vision of your heart will move the devil out of the way.
Song for the day: Give me grace to follow, abundant grace to follow …
Bible reading for the day: 2 Kings 19-21
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