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A Solemn Call To Coordinators And Leaders
Friday April 19th
Text: 1 Kings 12: 1 - 4
Key verse: 1 Timothy 3:9 “Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.”
Recently, there was a revelation in which great crowd of workers were gathered from all over the world. They were members of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW), gathered in a very big hall. The International Director was bringing out their coordinators one by one. When he brings up a coordinator and asks the members, “What do you say about him? Is he satisfying you?” The members of his chapter will shout, “He is a proud man. He is not satisfying us. He is a liar. He is not a good person. Remove him. He is not helping us. He is an angry man.” The Pastor will ask him to stay aside and bring in the next person. “Yes, what about this one?” They have many contrary things to say. This is a mock examination. The revelation is too heavy for me to release for you but God wants you to know that your members condemn you before Him for your character and for what you do against them.
Ah! Holiness!! You take men to be your counsellors. If you are confused, why did you not call the International Director? Why do you not seek counsel on how to handle individuals and you take judgment by yourselves and do evil on those people. You send away the ones you want to send away. You discipline the ones you want to discipline and you did not judge the matter well. There is a God that judges between a man and a man, a leader and the led. Be careful. God needs holiness and He raised up Holiness Revival Movement for this purpose to teach other churches in the world holy leadership, holy Christianity and righteousness. Coordinators, please let us come back to holiness. Work on your tongue. Work on your eyes. If you have lustful eyes, when those eyes fall on a woman, they go with a message. She will know it. They go with a message. My Coordinator is looking at me with lust. They pick it. Please work on your eyes. Work on your hands. Work on your mind. Take away pride from your life. What I say to coordinators, I say to all leaders. You are not bigger than the people you lead. Grace put you there.
Thought for the day: You are not bigger than those you lead. Grace put you there.
Song for the day: Jesus keep me near the cross …
Bible reading for the day: 2 Kings 4-5
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