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What It Means To Baptize In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Friday March 29th
Text: Acts 8:35-38
Key verse: Acts 19:5 “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.”
What does it mean to baptize them in the name of Jesus Christ? Is it no more in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? Has Peter changed it? By what authority? Can a servant of God change the word of God? Can a disciple of Christ change the authority of his Lord? There were three kinds of baptism going on at that time: the baptism of John unto repentance, the baptism of the Hellenists who were Pharisees that made Gentile converts into Judaism and the baptism authorized by Jesus. The people that gathered before Peter on the day of Pentecost might have undergone the first two baptisms already but not yet the baptism in the authority of Jesus.
Peter’s speech was meant to differentiate the baptism he was presenting to them from the other ones they already knew. “I will baptize you according to the commandment of Jesus. I will baptize you according to the instruction of Jesus. Not John's baptism, not the Hellenists baptism but the baptism that comes from the gospel of Jesus. I will baptize you in the name of Jesus.” Hey! Satan has seen another opportunity to deceive humanity. Another ripple is carrying people away to hell. You are very blessed to learn these truths in Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide.
Jesus Christ blessed His hearers for receiving the truth that He taught them. How many people would have desired to hear what you are hearing and see what you are seeing? They did not have the privilege. But blessed are ye for what ye hear. Blessed are ye. Baptism formula is in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. That is eternal. It proceeded out of the mouth of God and can never change. Nothing replaced it. It is the inspiration of people inspired by their sin and in their pride to destroy humanity with their interpretation.
Thought for the day: Jesus Christ blessed His hearers for receiving the truth that He taught them.
Song for the day: All the way to Calvary, He went for me …
Bible reading for the day: 1 Samuel 22-24
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