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Pastor Paul Rika’s Burden, Vision, and Action To Reach the Unreached (2)
Text: Romans 1: 16-18
Tuesday, March 12th
Key verse: Psalm 130:1 “Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O LORD.”
I remember I was in Sao Tome and Principe as a deeper life national overseer and I was writing the book, “Divine Revelation of God’s Holiness and Judgment.” The vision the Lord gave to Michael Sambo. I was translating it into a book, with the scriptural backups to make it a sound evangelistic book. I saw that truly the world is doomed. What will I say about those who have not known Jesus among the 7 billion people on earth; those who do not even have anything to do with Him? Do I speak of the billions in Asia without understanding Jesus? Out of the 1.4 billion in India, they are struggling to record 150 million Christians including Catholics.
Who knows Jesus then? Even among Pentecostals and evangelicals, how much of the gospel do they know? What about China with over 1.4 billion? Are there up to 50 million Christians? What of America and Europe? They have forgotten Jesus. What do we do? Africa is still in darkness yet the best Christianity is in Africa. Come to Nigeria and see churches in multitudes but what do they teach? With women perming their hair and wearing trousers and jewellery while the pastors themselves wear wedding rings. Can they go anywhere? I said, “God, the world is doomed.”
I started crying aloud in the night in another country until I realized that the neighbours might think that armed robbers had come to my house. Is it not armed robbery my brethren? The devil has carried the majority of human beings. Even among those in holiness churches, how many are born again and righteous there? I mourned and cried in great pain. That was why I began to write that book that deeper life found fault in me because I said this book would give salvation to the world. My burden gave rise to vision and I took action. What can I do that the whole world will hear the message? Eventually, the leadership of Deeper Life became offended because of that book and persecuted me greatly until God asked me to leave. Praise God!
Thought for the day: The devil has carried the majority of human beings.
Song for the day: Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord …
Bible reading for the day: Joshua 23-24
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