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Topic: A Prodigal Son Returns Home
Monday, March 4th
Text: Luke 15:17-24
Key verse: Hosea 14:1 “O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God, for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.”
A young man stole the money of his poor parents. The parents discovered that he was the one who stole the money and were angry with him. He became afraid and ran away and left the town completely to a faraway town for quite some years. But the desire for his family came to him. He started longing for them but how will he return? He didn’t know what to do. He started wishing to go back home. What will they do to me? He wrote a letter and acknowledged that he stole the money; that it was wickedness he did but that would they forgive him? If they will forgive him, they should give him a sign. The railway track passed behind their house. He was going to board the train that would be passing by. If you have forgiven me and long to see me, just hang a white cloth behind the house. When I see the white cloth, I will know you are ready to forgive me. I will alight. But if as the train passes by, I see no white cloth, it means you people are angry with me, I will continue with the train to wherever and that is how I will go forever.
When this information came to the parents, they rejoiced greatly that their son was coming home. They gathered all the white clothes in the house and hung them outside. What if he fails to see these white clothes? They got white paper and spread it everywhere. The house was covered in white. At least he will see one white cloth or paper and they were ready for him. When this young man was passing by he saw white clothes and papers; he loved his father, mother, brothers and sisters in the family. “Oh! My people still love me. Thank God for forgiving me. I will not do it again.” The prodigal son alighted and came back home for celebration. The church shall rejoice as you come back home. As you come back to the Father, angels shall rejoice. The Father shall rejoice. Jesus will stand up waiting for you to come.
Thought for the day: Jesus paid it all
Song for the day: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound …
Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 33-34
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