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Characteristics Of The Word Of God (1)
Saturday, February 24th
Text: Psalm 19:7-11
Key verse: Psalm 119:11 “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
The characteristics expressed in our reading text are not only on the written word but also on the revealed word, the spoken word, dreams, revelations, and visions. It is perfect for converting the souls of men to God. The written word, the revealed word, the word received in dream, the word received in vision, the word of prophecy, whatever it is, it converts. The purpose is, that it converts the souls of men to God. It is sure and gives wisdom to the foolish. It is pure, enlightening the eyes, and giving understanding. Oh, now I understand. Okay, it will take some visions that will make you understand some portions of the scriptures. It takes some revelations that you will say, okay, now I understand what that scripture is saying. It enlightens the eyes. It is clean and lasts forever. Many have said, “The revelation of Sister Linda looks new to me, anywhere and anytime.” Is that true of you? The word of God endures forever; the written, revealed, and spoken word received in various forms.
When you examine a dream, prophecy, or revelation and it is not true, then it is not the word of God but the word of God is righteous; right, and acceptable in the sight of God who is holy, clean, pure, and everlasting. God’s word is precious to His children with great promises. Maybe you have been looking for a child for many years and the word of prophecy comes to you that the Lord says you shall embrace a son. Eventually, you really got pregnant and got a child. Are you not happy? That is what the word of God does. It is sweet and comforting to the sorrowful heart. When the word of God came to us concerning this nation saying, “Do not fear, I am with you. All the plans of these people shall fail, it shall not work”, were we not happy? Did we not clap our hands? The Lord fulfilled it. It is rewarding and cleanses from sin: Now ye are clean through the word that I have spoken unto you.
Thought for the day: The word of God comforts, preserves and delivers.
Song for the day: Thy word is yea and amen
Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 9-11
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