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God Has Raised Up HOREMOW For The Revival Of The Church
Text: Habakkuk 1: 1 – 2
Thursday, February 29th
Key verse: Acts 15:18 “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.”
Of a truth, this is the ministry God has raised up for the revival of the church of Christ in this end time. I am not sure if there is any ministry where people will go to heaven easier than this place. Easier. Cheaper. The Lord took me in a revelation to witness it and when I entered the gate of heaven easily, I said, “Eh! So, this thing is so easy?” It is very easy because you are learning righteousness, truth, and holiness but do not bring it into the flesh. You have found the place where making heaven is simple. The knowledge of truth, holiness, and heaven is abundant, only you have to determine to make the right choice to stay with HOREMOW and align your ministry with HOREMOW. It is the will of God. We shall wax from strength to strength. We shall expand as the presence of God keeps multiplying.
The word of God will be fresher. So come along with us. John said these things Write we unto you, that you may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ. Come along with us and we will do you good. You shall enjoy the salvation of the Lord Jesus. Amen. You shall receive deliverance from falsehood. You carry falsehood, you don't even know how to throw it away. Now, it will be thrown away from you. Come along with us. You will escape the bondage of falsehood.
That power that binds you together. Come along with us. You will overcome cultic masters. They have carried you over there and you do not know what to do. Confess it and you will be free. The Creator works with us in HOREMOW. The name of Jesus will scatter them wherever they are and you will be protected. Come along with us and you shall enjoy truth, righteousness, and holiness. You will become one of the preachers yourself. Come along with us and you will escape hell fire. Your masters are going to hell because they have laid away the truth and turned their backs on Jesus. They have caged you round but you will escape them.
Thought for the day: The Creator works with us in HOREMOW
Song for the day: Some years ago, I gave my life to Jesus
Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 24-25
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