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A Clarion Call To All Christians
Friday February 2nd
Text: Romans 1:14-17
Key verse: Genesis 6:8 “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”
We are in the end times and much corruption and decay has entered into the Church such that most of what is practiced today as Christianity is actually not true Christianity. Another gospel masterminded by Satan has overtaken many assemblies with misplaced emphasis on prosperity, miracles, signs and wonders. This fake gospel has captured a high percentage of denominations and Christians at large. In a bid to salvage the sorrowful state and reduce the massive descent of souls into hell fire, the Lord has raised up Pastor Paul Rika as the Noah of this generation and established the ark of safety; Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide, HOREMOW. Those that repent genuinely from sins and receive and practice the doctrines of truth, holiness and righteousness as taught and promoted in HOREMOW have refuge in Christ and safety in the ark as they continue in the faith.
In the same way that the words of eternal life were committed to Peter to be spoken to Cornelius and his household for salvation; and also committed to Paul to be spoken to the Philippian jailor, his household and Gentiles at large for salvation; so also, the Lord has committed the words of eternal life to Pastor Paul Rika for all that desire Christian perfection for entrance into heaven. The grace and help of God over my life has made it that the true gospel is presented to you without ambiguity.
Everything required for eternal life; that which you need to know to be saved from sin; to live a life pleasing to God; to overcome Satan and to prepare for the rapture and heaven, has been made known unto you. There is no ambiguity in this matter. How did it happen? It is by the grace of God. As the Lord put that grace in Apostle Paul, so He has put it in another Paul in our dispensation. Labor fervently for the cause of Christ in faithfulness with a pure heart with Pastor Paul Rika for end-time revival of biblical truth, holiness and righteousness through HOREMOW.
Thought for the day: All things required for eternal life has been made known to you
Song for the day: He is everything, Jesus is everything to me
Bible reading for the day: Leviticus 16-18
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